WHAT CAN DO A COMMAND VEHICLE, AND HOW WOULD IT WORK? Here we speak about the GF part, i’ll discuss the naval idea in a different thread

This type of vehicles would be aviable just for ground forces and naval trees since areal battles are too fast and “excited”, The BR can change for every vehicle, except for the first one at Tier III that woud be fixed at ?.? (let's discuss this), to avoid some nations getting acces to command vehicles in BRs lower than others The idea is that when a player unlocks ALL the vehicles in a even Tier of a certain nation (for exemple: all the US tier II ground vehicles) gets access to a single command vehicle listed as 1 Tier higher to help grinding (so Tier III for us). Introducing the Command Vehicles, essentially almost unarmed armoured cars or tanks, able to take such a duty! What if a player, a veteran of the tier the match is set into, could give orders to coordinate the team to maximize the cooperation between players? The wrong vehicle, in the wrong place, at the wrong time! That’s one of the principal salt sources in the game! While the best experience i usually get during my games is when a group of players can cooperate and support each other (a correct CAS at the right time, or a heavy tank taking a hit to protect a lighter mate), but unfortunately this situations are extremely rare. A whole new type of vehicles capable to see the battlefield and give orders to coordinate the team and ensure a flowess victory!